Product Importer - Sage Connections

You can have as many Sage connections defined as you like, the screen shot below shows the Sage Connections editor used to manage your Sage connections.




The menu on the left shows all the connections you currently have defined, the sage version the data belongs to is also shown.


To add a new connection click the new button, a quick scan will be performed for your sage installation, if found the Sage Accounts Data Path will be automatically set and the select company drop down menu will be populated with a list of companies found under that location. if you have installed sage in a non standard location or wish to connect to sage data stored elsewhere click the select button and choose the path where your data is located, if you are not sure of its location use the search button to have your system scanned for instances of sage data.


Once the accounts data path is set and the select company drop down menu is populated you can select the desired company and define the user name and password.


To edit a connection select its entry in the left menu and you can then change any of its setting using the other form elements.


To delete a connection select its entry in the left menu and click the delete button.



Deleting a connection only deletes the entry in Product Importer, IT DOES NOT delete the company from Sage.