Order Importer - Preferences

This section explains the settings available on the preference dialog assessable from the menus under Tools > Preferences




Proxy Server


Order Importer can be configured to connect to the internet via a proxy server to download order data or check for updates, many business networks are configured with a proxy server and for users on these networks have no option but to connect via the proxy server. for example a common example of this would be a Microsoft Small Business Server network with Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server installed.


Use A Proxy Server

Check this box to indicate to Order Importer you wish to configure a proxy server.



Use Internet Explorer Proxy Settings

Depending on your network security it may be possible to inherit the proxy server setting from Internet Explorer, checking this box may be enough to get connected, if this does not work you will need to configure the proxy setting manually.




This is the address of the proxy server, for example:




Notice that you can specify a port number if required simply by adding :# to the address where # would be the port number



Username and Password

Depending on your environment your proxy server may require a username and password, typically this will be your Windows username and password used to logon to your network.




Failed Order Notification


Email Notification


See Configure Notification




User Interface


This section contains a series of checkbox's that can be used to customize the user interface, these can be used to switch off certain features and hide menus and buttons on the application user interface.